IPE Team and Expertise

The IP Team is headed by Parul Pundhir, Managing Partner. Two full-time Project Managers work under the Managing Partner.

The Content Development Team consists of 50+ freelancers mostly working dedicatedly with us. The team is assigned to the projects based on project requirements and deadlines. We generally try to assign same resources on project till feedbacks closure, which may take days, weeks and sometimes even months in case of larger content development assignments.

The location of the team members are spread over India as well as outside India. The communication and co-ordination happens on Microsoft Teams and Zoom. We use Microsoft Office 365 (MS-Office, SharePoint and MS Teams) as our primary communication and collaboration tools.

The Content Development Team represents:

  • Subject Matter Experts and Industry Experts
  • Content Writers and Content Developers
  • Instructional Designers
  • Language Reviewers and Editors
  • E-Book Designers and PPT Developers
  • Book Type Setters

About the Managing Partner, Parul Pundhir

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